Vela-Data Analysis

The analysis of Vela pulsar(PSR B0835-45) observed using the Ooty Radio Telescope.

The Ooty Radio Telescope consists of a cylindrical paraboloid reflecting surface which is $530\;m$ long and $30\;m$ wide, placed on a slope of $11.2 ^\circ$ in N-S direction. The signal detectors consists of an array of 1056 half-wave dipoles which produce phased array in the sky.

The data is nyquist sampled data over 16.5 MHz bandwidth, at a center frequency of 326.5 MHz.

The ASCII data files contains voltage signals in two columns, north and south.

- Devansh Shukla


Initial parameters

Center frequency, $f_c = 326.5\;$MHz

Bandwidth, $bw = 16.5\;$MHz

Sampling freq, $f_s = 33\;$MHz

Reading the data

Time-Domain Properties | Signal Statistics

Voltage signal characterstics

We expect the signal to have gaussian distribution with mean $\mu$ and standard deviation $\sigma$

The mean will not be zero as one would expect, instead telescope-back-end induces a small bias, thus adding an offset to all voltages.

Now, for verifing the gaussian nature of the pulsar signal, we select 100,000 randomly selected data points and observe them in a histogram plot.

As expected we observe the gaussian nature in the data.

Power signal characterstics

We now investigate the properties of the signal intensity, i.e. the square of the voltage data.

$$P \propto V^2$$

We expect the signal intensity to have an exponential distribution with equal mean and standard deviation.

Frequency domain properties

Power spectrum

The sharp peaks in the power spectrum represents the Radio-Frequency interferences.

Note: The band of the filter used in the telescope back-end is retained in the data.

Dyanmic Spectrum

Frequency vs Time spectrum

Initially we choose 512 channels and average 60 data points to improve the SNR.

Averaging 60 data points (avg=60) gives we an integration time of about 1ms

$\text{Integration time} = \dfrac{channels \times avg}{fs}$

The data contains some interesting signal which repeats after an interval; it first appears in higher frequencies and gradually appears later in lower freqs.

(figure shown below)

Dispersion Measure

It is integrated column density of free electrons between the observer and the pulsar.

It manifests itself as the broading of an otherwise sharp peak when observed under finite bandwidth.

In presence of charged particles, the electrostatic interaction b/t the light and charged particles causes a delay in the propogation of light. This delay is inversely proportional to the frequency; so low frequencies experiences a larger delay compared to high frequencies.

$$delay \propto \dfrac{1}{frequency}$$$$\Delta t = 4.149 \times 10^{-3} DM \left(\dfrac{1}{\nu_1^2(\text{GHz})} - \dfrac{1}{\nu_2^2(\text{GHz})}\right)$$

This DM can be approximated by observing the position of peaks in various frequency channels and performing a linear-fit.

$$ t = 4.149 \times 10^{-3} \;DM \dfrac{1}{\nu^2}$$

But, it requires a much-better SNR; single pulses have poor SNR so will have to increase the channel width while making sure the remaining dispersion doesn't spoil the signal.

Here we use 64 channels i.e. channel width of 515.625 kHz. Since we are unaware of the pulsar period, we cannot improve the SNR further; now we choose some strong pulses in the data and fit a gaussian curve; further, we use the mean of the fitted-gaussian to obtain the arrival-time of the individual pulses.

Here we are assuming that the signal is gaussian in nature.

Now, we fit the arrival-time vs $1/\nu^2$ with a linear-fit to obtain the slope and using the above equation, we have an approximate estimate of the dispersion measure in that direction.

Distance computation

The distance to the pulsar can be computed by using the defination of the dispersion measure.

$$DM = \int_0^L n_e dl $$$$L = \dfrac{DM}{|n_e|}$$

Radio Frequency Interference mitigation

RFI mitigation plays a very important role in extracting the meaning-full signal among the noises.


The Pulsar time-period

Finally, using the approximate pulsar period, we can fold the pulses to obtain an integrated profile for the pulsar.

Note that the average profile resembles a gaussian function, hence our initial assumption was fairly accurate.

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